The Fes!

I know!

I don’t have the prettiest face for you to take any advise about health and beauty but I just wanna share what I found a month ago. A facial wash and cream that suits my skin type. Honestly, I seldom get pimples in my face. Maybe because I don’t have oily skin which is prone to acne and pimples and I don’t even wear make-up or anything but I have… DRY SKIN! Yes, this kind of skin which easily peal off and get white spots and all. And the worst of all possible worsts is visible or enlarged PORES! Again Yes, pores which are often clogged with white heads or even blackheads.

How can you clean pores? As I read about skin pores, it usually soften or open if the temperature is high. I remember one interview with Kristine Hermosa and she said she usually put ice on her face to close the pores. And no doubt shes one of the prettiest face in local showbizness. I’m not dreaming to look like her but I think there is a logical explanation about temperature and skin pores.

I always start my day with washing my face. Last month, I decided to try Clean and Clear exfoliating daily wash. It has microbeads to help unblock pores. It’s not the cheapest facial wash in the market but it’s worth it. I can say that my skin became clearer and cleaner. Then I use Pond’s spot-less white cream (the yellow one) with UV protection. I really believe that the sun makes a lot of damage to skin and hair. If possible, put on some sun screen before you hit the road especially in the Philippines where its sunny all year round. I really don’t know which is which that helps my skin but I think these two is a good combination for girls with skin type like mine.

So my beauty regimen everyday is washing my face first with luke-warm water to open the pores. Clean it gently but thoroughly with Clean and Clear then rinse it with warm water. When I’m done with rinsing, I finish up with very cold water. The coldest I could possibly get from the faucet. I can feel that my skin is tight and dry but very clean. Then next is the Pond’s cream while massaging my face and let it absorb the cream. I usually wash my face 2-3x a day (and I wash my hands as often as I could). And that’s it. Simple as that. I’m not really a typical girl who’s obsessed with my skin, figure and fingernails. But I always want to feel clean and I’m happy I found the right product for me to use everyday.

Anyways, I’m using Neutrogena Cold Cream as body lotion. It’s unbelievably good for dry skin. It was on sale so I bought it. I hope it will be on sale again by the time I whip up the whole 200ml 🙂

PS: I cannot find a big tube of ponds spotless white here. Can somebody in the Philippines send me one please?